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World Scout Jamboree is in Sweden in 2011

Sharpening Quiz


  1. What are these called?
  2. How are they used?
  3. Name 3 Important Rules to Remember when using this tool.
  4. What do you need to Remember to do after using this tool?

Arkansas Stone Quiz


  1. What is an Arkansas Stone?
  2. Name three important things to remember when using an Arkansas Stone.
  3. Give another name for an Arkansas Toothpick.
  4. How was an Arkansas Toothpick used?
  5. Name one famous person who used an Arkansas toothpick.

Tool Kit Quiz


1. What tool is Scouter Dave holding & how is it used?

2. What is in the bottle & how is it used?

3.  How are the three flat items in the tool kit used?

Woodworking Quiz


  1. What is this?
  2. What is it made of?
  3. How was it made?
  4. How do you care for it?

Tool Quiz


1. What's wrong with this picture?

2. What tools are in this picture?

Ask Scouter Dean


Scouter Dean won the Scout Popcorn Scholarship and has been in Scouts for eons. Don't let his youthful appearance fool you. He is a great resource!

Click on the Comments to ask Scouter Dean a Question.

469th Agincourt Scouts

469th Agincourt Scouts are looking forward to a fun-filled  year of learning and challenges. We are a group of guys and gals age with a wide range of interests. Come join in the fun! Make friends & learn new skills!

Some of the activities we took part in last year included:


Ontario Science Center Program

1st Nations Education

Animal Rescue Farm Visit

Rock Climbing at Outdoor Sports


Apple Day

  Popcorn Sales  

Tree Planting